This week marks the start of Children’s Mental Health Week and this year the focus is on the importance of looking after our emotional wellbeing from an early age.

With the lockdown restrictions across England and Wales firmly in place, the gloom of Winter – a season already difficult for many – can add to feelings of low mood for children and adults. However, the country’s leading mental health experts say there are things that we can do to give ourselves an emotional lift. We’ve pulled together some tips that can be shared with young people and adults alike to help boost your mood and look after your wellbeing.


Every person you connect with is a doorway into another world; building solid and varied social connections in your life can increase yur feelings of happiness and self-worth. We are limited on physical social interaction by the COVID-19 restrictions right now, but the world of virtual connectivity s ever growing. Organise a video chat with a friend, or join an online forum for something you are interested in. Chances are, the people you reach out to will be grateful for the time, too.

Get Active

Mental fitness is just as important and physical fitness, and the two go hand in hand to support your wellbeing. What you do with your body can have a powerful effect on your mental wellbeing. There are loads of ways to stay active. Try and incorporate more physical movement into your day, be it a brisk walk or a dance around your living room!

Learn Something New

A comfort zone is a cool place, but nothing ever grows there. Take some time out of your day to learn one new skill, and make it fun! Research something you’re interested in or read a new book. Take the pressure off yourself and enjoy the process.

Help Others

Giving is like gold-dust for our mental wellbeing. Not only are you supporting another who may be grateful for the help, giving also boosts your own mood and makes you feel good about yourself. Giving can be as simple as a quick phone call to check in with a relative or signing up to volunteer with a charity.

You can download our young person-friendly wellbeing tips here.

Children in care are four times more likely to have a mental health difficulty, which in many cases is attributed to isolation and loneliness. Our independent visitor volunteers dedicate a couple of hours each month to befriend a young person in care. Often, they are the only adult in the young person’s life who isn’t paid to be there. This support is vital in what is already an increasingly difficult time for children in care.

We’re always on the lookout for more independent visitor volunteers! If you are compassionate, empathetic and have a couple of hours each month to spare, check out our volunteer opportunities in your local area here.