This week, NYAS responded to the English Care Review’s ‘call for evidence’, marking our second submission to the review since the January launch. Our evidence shines a spotlight on NYAS research, alongside paying tribute to cutting-edge research we have benefited from within the sector.
NYAS’ submission provided England’s Care Review with examples of areas in children’s social care where there exists a wealth of robust research and evidence. NYAS also evidenced places where there are gaps in the knowledge base, such as secure children’s homes and child criminal exploitation. Finally, NYAS cited areas where the evidence exposes the need for changes in practice, including ‘out of area’ placements and unregulated accommodation.
NYAS urged the care review to embed participation and engagement within the review at the earliest opportunity. Examples given were the ‘Our Care, Our Say’ report and ‘Who Cares, Scotland’s ‘1000 Voices’ project, both of which exemplify the power of participation from those with lived experience of care.
NYAS concluded the call for evidence by pushing for the care review to take a children’s rights approach. It is deeply concerning that the care review’s plans still make no mention of protecting and strengthening children’s rights; putting children’s rights at the heart of England’s care review must be a top priority as the review enters its next stages.
Click here to read our submission.