Welsh Parliament’s Children, Young People and Education Committee (CYPE) has today published their final report on the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people in Wales. NYAS Cymru is proud to support the report, which includes particular emphasis on the need for care-experienced young people’s voices to be heard within the next term of government.
The report highlights the urgent need for the next government to support vulnerable and care-experienced children and young people as Wales moves towards its recovery from the pandemic. This is in addition to the need to address the long-term challenges to be faced by the Welsh education system, the mental and physical health of children and young people and the demands of further and higher education.
NYAS Cymru has been instrumental in providing evidence to the committee during the pandemic, providing early evidence of the effects of COVID-19 on care-experienced children and young people through our report ‘Young Lives in Lockdown’.
We welcome the much-needed recommendations within the committee’s final report and urge the next government to commit to addressing them during their term.
Sharon Lovell, CEO for NYAS Cymru, stated, “we look forward to advancing human rights for care-experienced children and young people in the next term of Welsh Parliament.”