
What is the Role of a NYAS Advocate?

NYAS is one of the largest national independent advocacy service providers. We’re here for children, young people and adults across England and Wales who need someone to support them. Our advocates make sure that the views, wishes and feelings of young people and adults in vulnerable situations are represented, heard and respected.

Our advocates can help a child, young person or adult to:

  • Speak up for themselves and make sure they are involved in decisions affecting their lives.
  • Understand what choices are available and inform them of their rights and entitlements.
  • Prepare for and take part in meetings and tribunals
  • Access other relevant services and signpost to additional helpful support.
  • Understand information in a way or format that is accessible to them
  • Make a formal complaint and raise any queries and concerns

If you would like to find out how we can work with you, including commissioning spot purchase advocacy, just get in touch and our team will be happy to help and advise you.

Types of Advocacy

NYAS provide many different types of advocacy which can vary on eligibility criteria depending on the service and location. In certain circumstances a person has the legal right to an advocate which is known as statutory advocacy. Non statutory advocacy services help those who fall outside the eligibility criteria for statutory services.

Even if we are not the advocacy provider in your area, our helpline can signpost you to the relevant organisation who can provide support.

  • Issue based Advocacy
  • Active offer advocacy (Wales only)
  • Care Leaver Advocacy
  • Residential Visiting Advocacy
  • Independent Mental Health Advocacy
  • Non-Instructed Advocacy
  • Parent Advocacy
  • Peer Mentor Advocacy
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) / Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)

Principles of Advocacy

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that "Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken seriously”

We work to the National Standards​ for the Provision of Children’s Advocacy Services.

The National Standards for the Provision of Children’s Advocacy Services define advocacy as follows:

‘Advocacy is about speaking up for children and young people. Advocacy is about empowering children and young people to make sure that their rights are respected and their views and wishes are heard at all times. Advocacy is about representing the views, wishes and needs of children and young people to decision-makers, and helping them to navigate the system.”

Advocacy Confidentiality

Advocates should keep all details of conversations between themselves and the individual they are supporting private and confidential. 

If any information is recorded, the person who is being supported should be made aware of how their personal information is going to be used. If the person does not want other people to know certain details about them, then these wishes should be upheld by the advocate.

The only exception to sharing information is when there is a serious risk of harm to the person’s safety. When there are genuine safeguarding concerns, the advocate will disclose information to the relevant agency.

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