

42 guided learning hours / Completion in 12 weeks


£695 + VAT

Written by NYAS and accredited by AIM, our Level 3 Independent Advocacy qualification is for people who are currently practicing as independent advocates. The aim of the course is to develop and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to advocate effectively for children and young people in the care system.

To meet our eligibility criteria, all learners must be able to provide evidence of practice during the assessment phase by an expert witness testimony, completion of a workbook and evidencing the application of rights and entitlements to cases. If you require further support in relation to our eligibility criteria please email and a member of our dedicated team will get back to you.

Independent Advocacy Explained

According to government guidelines and legislation, children and young people in care settings have a statutory right to access the support of an independent advocate. The role of the independent advocate is to help children and young people to navigate the care system, understand their rights and entitlements and, if necessary, support them to have a voice and challenge actions and decisions made about their lives.

Independent advocacy is issue-based and child-led, focused on ensuring that the wishes and feelings of children and young people are taken into account in the decision-making process.

Course Content

Upon completion of this training, learners will:

  • Understand the key principles of independent advocacy – including independence, confidentiality, the rebalance of power, and the importance of being child-led
  • Know how the independent advocacy model is different to other forms of advocacy
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the independent advocate in varied settings
  • Understand the different stages of the advocacy process
  • Recognise the challenges and dilemmas surrounding the provision of advocacy services
  • Be familiar with the legislative framework relevant to advocacy and children’s rights
  • Be able to maintain safe working practices throughout the advocacy relationship
  • Understand the critical role of confidentiality within the advocacy relationship

The course leads to a level 3 qualification, roughly equivalent to one-sixth of an A Level (NVQ3). Therefore, learners will be expected to demonstrate an appropriate depth of knowledge and understanding. For more information about qualification levels and credits, please visit the AIM website.

Please be advised that during the training period, attendees will be required to attend, virtually:

  • A 1-hour Introduction to Qualification session.
  • Three consecutive half day training sessions.
  • A 1.5 hour Staying on Track session.

The exact dates and times are shown on the schedule once they select their preferred month from the below options.

Book Your Course Today

6th - 20th March 2025

9:00am - 12:30pm

£695 + VAT

NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply

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3rd - 17th April 2025

9:00am - 12:30pm

£695 + VAT

NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply

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1st - 15th May 2025


£695 + VAT

NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply

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5th - 19th June 2025

9:00am - 12:30pm

£695 + VAT

NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply

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3rd - 17th July 2025

9:00am - 12:30pm

£695 + VAT

NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply

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7th - 28th August 2025

9am - 12:30pm

£695 + VAT

NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply

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