

Full day


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Frontline professionals working in education, health and care sectors naturally use advocacy skills in their day-to-day work without understanding how to effectively apply advocacy in practice.

This course is recommended for frontline staff such as youth workers, pastoral support workers, healthcare practitioners, mental health practitioners and any other professionals wishing to develop their understanding of advocacy-in-role.

Advocacy-in-Role Explained

Applying advocacy-in-role enables frontline professionals to empower and promote the views, wishes and feelings of clients and service users within your setting. Advocacy-in-role explores how you can assertively build effective, client-led rapport, whilst also supporting them to navigate systems and make informed decisions.

When applied effectively, advocacy-in-role techniques empower clients and service users to better understand how to undertake and complete tasks for themselves. Advocacy-in-Role gives you the opportunity to demonstrate that your clients and service users do have a voice within your organisation.

Course Content

Upon completion of this training, learners will:

  • Know what advocacy is.
  • Understand different models of advocacy, including advocacy-in-role, and know where and when they are used.
  • Be clear about the differences between supporting wishes and feelings versus acting in best interests.
  • Know where advocacy-in-role takes place and how it works in practice with clients or service-users in your setting or service.
  • Understand the importance of assertiveness in the context of advocacy-in-role and know how to apply it.
  • Be clear about when you will need to signpost to alternative individuals or services.


This training is bespoked for your service or organisation. It can include your policies, procedures, and strategic goals. Please complete our enquiry form or email to discuss further.

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