

3 hours - Completed at once during the live webinar


£75+VAT (NYAS staff and self-employed contractor discounts apply)

This training helps advocates understand the complaints process and gain confidence in supporting children and young people who wish to make representation against their English or Welsh Local Authority.

This course is recommended for advocacy professionals who already undertake complaints advocacy with children and young people, or advocates wishing to develop their understanding to be able to do so.


Supporting Young People Through the Complaints Process: Explained

Children and young people should be empowered with an understanding of their rights and entitlements. This includes the right to speak up when they are not treated fairly. 

Complaints processes are an excellent vehicle for children's voices to be heard but they can often be complex to navigate, especially for younger children or young people who have never made a complaint before. Empowering children and young people to understand Local Authority complaints processes is one of the many ways advocates can help their voices be heard.


Course Content

Upon completion of this training, learners will:

  • Understand the standard complaints processes in England and Wales.
  • Recognise how complaints processes may differ between Local Authorities, and how to find more about the process within their own Local Authority.
  • Know who can make a complaint and some common reasons why children and young people wish to complain.
  • Understand how to support children and young people wishing to make representation through Local Authority complaints processes.
  • Be able to signpost children and young people to a range of child-friendly resources outlining their rights, including their right to make a complaint.

This supporting young people through the complaints process training will be delivered via a live, interactive webinar, by a member of our highly experienced training team. 

NYAS is a leading, national rights-based charity that delivers a range of services, including supporting young people through the complaints process, to children and young people across England and Wales. We have practical experience within this training area, and your learning will be supported by our expert guidance and a supporting handbook.

You can find all available training dates below - new dates are added regularly so keep an eye on this page for any updates if the dates below don't work for you. If you're looking to discuss bespoke training dates, please email and our team will be happy to help.

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