
What is an ‘Active Offer’ of Advocacy?

An ‘active offer’ of advocacy means that children and young people are entitled to information about their statutory rights and entitlements, specifically about their access to an independent advocacy service. An active offer of advocacy refers to a child or young person's right to know about advocacy access. The actual service that they receive will be issue-based advocacy, and you can learn more about what an advocate is, and how they can help here.

Having an active offer of advocacy means that all children and young people know their rights. Every child in Wales who lives in care, or is involved in child protection enquiries leading to an Initial Child Protection Conference has the right to advocacy from a statutory Independent Professional Advocate (IPA). NYAS Cymru are one of the leading advocacy service provider across Wales.

Information shared includes an explanation of advocacy, what it can and cannot do, and how it is based on the child/young person’s views, wishes and feelings and not their best interests. An advocate will also let children and young people know about the wider networks of support available. You can learn more about our advocacy services in Wales with our Young Person's Advocacy Guide below. This document is also available in Welsh

How Can Advocacy Help?

An advocate can help children and young people with a range of issues. This could include where they live, seeing family and leaving care arrangements. Advocates can also provide support to children and young people in meetings by representing them or accompanying them. They can also help them to make a complaint if they are not happy with the care they are receiving. Advocates are independent of children’s services and are always on the side of the child or young person.  

In Wales, we work to the Independent Professional Advocacy National Standards and Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People in Wales from Welsh Government:

Who is Eligible for an Active Offer of Advocacy?

We support children and young people who are living in the care of the local authority or care leavers up to the age of 25 years old. We also support children when a Special Guardianship Order is in force, or if a child or young person has been adopted. 

NYAS Cymru also provides an independent advocacy service for children and young people who live in Caerphilly or Blaenau Gwent who are not involved with children’s services.

How Can I Get NYAS Cymru's Help?

Children and young people will be given the opportunity to speak with an advocate from NYAS Cymru who will explain how we can help and provide them with information about their rights. 

There are three different organisations who provide advocacy services in Wales. This includes NYAS Cymru. Where a young person lives and whether they have a social worker will determine which organisation provides their advocacy.

To find out more about your local advocacy provider, please view our 'Who is My Advocacy Provider?' tool or contact our Helpline

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If you would like to know more about NYAS Cymru and the services we offer, just get in touch.

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