What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about protecting people's health, wellbeing, and human rights, and helping everyone to live free from harm, abuse, and neglect. Whether you are concerned about a child, an adult, or yourself, there are various ways to get the support you need. NYAS is not a statutory organisation and doesn’t investigate reports of abuse or neglect – the police, social care and the NSPCC are the only agencies with statutory powers.
Safeguarding is a collective responsibility. By being vigilant and knowing how to act, you can help protect those who are vulnerable and ensure they receive the support they need. NYAS staff, contractors and volunteers have an obligation and responsibility to protect, safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and vulnerable adults we work. By having strong safeguarding procedures and practice we provide a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults to engage with us and the services we provide.
How to Raise a Safeguarding Concern
If you believe that someone is being abused or neglected, it is important to act. Here are the steps you can take:
Tell Someone You Trust: This could be a friend, family member, teacher, social worker, doctor, healthcare professional, or police officer.
Contact Local Authorities: Local councils have social workers who specialise in safeguarding. You can call the person's local council and ask for the child or adult safeguarding services:
Report to the Police: If the person is in immediate danger, call 999. For non-emergencies, you can contact the police by calling 101.
Support for Children
Schools and educational institutions have a legal responsibility to protect children from harm and abuse. If you are concerned about a child, you can speak to a teacher or school administrator. Additionally, local authorities and social services can provide support and intervention.
Support for Adults
For adults at risk of abuse or neglect, local authorities provide specific support services. You can contact the adult safeguarding team at the local council or speak to the police if the situation involves a crime.
If you have a safeguarding concern around the conduct of a NYAS representative
If you have a safeguarding enquiry relating to one of our services, please contact our NYAS Helpline
Additional Resources
- NHS England: Provides guidance on how to raise a safeguarding concern and offers support for those affected
NHS England » How to raise a safeguarding concern
- UK: Offers information on dealing with safeguarding concerns, including how to report and what happens during an investigation