Commissioning NYAS Services
NYAS has a legacy of over 40 years delivering independent services for children, young people and adults at risk, supporting over 13,000 such individuals every year. We were the first dedicated advocacy provider and have consistently pushed boundaries to develop the rights of children and young people and the adults we work with and for.
Children, young people and adults at risk are the heart of everything we do. We are innovators in our field, spearheading pilot projects where our service users have identified gaps in provision; for example, developing 'Project Unity' to support young care-experienced mothers in Wales and our Side by Side initiative providing much-needed support for care leavers.
Collaboration is a key NYAS value, and we are committed to working in partnership with local authorities, other commissioning organisations and private providers to improve outcomes for care-experienced children, young people and adults at risk. Whether you are interested in developing a service in your local area, or you would like to commission our services through a spot purchase arrangement, we'd love to hear from you.
What Services Can I Commission From NYAS?
Working in partnership with over 70 public and private commissioners, our high-quality services across England and Wales include:
- Issue-Based Advocacy (including Parent Advocacy, Homeless Advocacy and our National Safety Net Advocacy Service)
- Residential Visiting Advocacy (RVA)
- Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
- Advocacy in Mental Health Settings for Adults and Young people
- Independent Visiting
- Return Interviews
- Independent Persons (Secure Accommodation Reviews)
- Age Assessments
- Regulatory Reviews of Children Homes (Regulation 44)) and other Independent Monitoring Services for care and support of young people
- Legal Services
- Consultancy and Service Improvement Support
“The contract requirements have been delivered to a high standard...and we have a good rapport and working relationship with the NYAS staff working on the contract". Commissioner*.
Our mission is to ensure individuals we support are always respected, represented and helped to express their views and have their rights upheld. Benefits of choosing NYAS include:
- Assurance of high-quality, independent services that will help you deliver on your statutory duties, especially where your existing provision is currently in-house
- Our extensive network of experienced professionals, delivering statutory and non-statutory services for local authorities and private providers across England and Wales
- Our campaigning on issues that matter to those we support provides added value to our services. This includes our My Things Matter campaign in partnership with Madlug that provides young people with a free bag to ensure their belongings are treated respectfully during placement moves; we encourage local authorities to sign up to this
- Our services are supported and monitored by NYAS’ service user advisory groups, ensuring we provide services they need and in ways that benefit them
- Our status as a charity means we can offer flexible services that meet your needs whilst remaining cost effective and being a source of social value. We bring additional added value through our corporate partnerships, grants from trusts and foundations and other voluntary income through fundraising.
- Our partnerships and collaboration with other third-party organisations to deliver specific projects, ensuring we meet the growing and diverse needs of people we support
- Our continuous review approach to processes and service offers, so that we consistently deliver best practice across all our services
“We have commissioned NYAS for their Reg 44 service for over 3 years. During that time, the Visitors have provided a reliable and flexible service as our Homes have opened and closed. They are thorough and have good communication with Registered Managers, wider Professionals and our young people. They adhere to statutory guidelines, work consistently towards the targets”. Commissioner*.
Spot Purchase Arrangements
Are you experiencing unexpected demand and need someone to help under a short-term arrangement? Thanks to our extensive network, we can rapidly deploy our teams where needed. To discuss spot purchasing our services, email or call us on 0151 649 8700.
“I am continually impressed by the hard work, commitment and dedication [NYAS] shows to the citizens [...] We, as services and partners, have achieved so much and will continue to do so, working together.”
Still Have Questions?
If you have further questions about the support services on offer with NYAS, or how to commission our services and work with us, please do get in touch. Our friendly team will be able to help and advise you.