Welcome NYAS Volunteers
On this page, you will find useful information about NYAS and its partner systems Volunteero and FLICK. Also included on this page are links to NYAS policies and processes. You will also be able to navigate to your Volunteering service, Independent Visitor, or Side by Side.
As a Volunteer, you provide children and young people in care with long-lasting friendship and support. Thank you!
Independent Visitor Service
On this page, you will find useful information and resources linked to your role as an Independent Visitor.
Side by Side Project
On this page, you will find useful information and resources linked to your role as a Side-by-Side mentor.
Policies and Procedures You Need To Know
BE PREPARED: When with a young person you may be in a situation where you observe or have a safeguarding concern disclosed to you.
Always have safeguarding contact details with you including:
- IVCO number
- IVCO manager's work number
- NYAS out-of-hours
- Local authority social care number

After reporting the observed or disclosed safeguarding concern, your IVCO will have a check-in debrief with you. You and the young person are of the most importance to NYAS and we will call you to ensure you and the young person are okay and that the situation is handled in line with our policies and processes.
Incidents and Accidents


Out-of-hours Arrangements
NYAS Out of Hours on Call 0151 294 4245 18.00 – 20.00 Monday to Friday 10.00 – 18.00 Weekends. Closed Bank Holidays
NYAS IT Support Line 0121 285 0855
NYAS Helpline 0808 808 1001 09.00 – 20.00 Monday to Friday 10.00 – 16.00 Saturday. Closed Bank Holidays
NYAS Head Office 0151 649 8700 main@nyas.net
NYAS Policies and Procedures
Here you will find NYAS's important policies and procedures that will provide a framework for daily activities, Please do take the time to read the documents attached.
- Safeguarding
- Confidentially
- Volunteero Accessible use
- Recording information
- Whistleblowing
- and more
Flick Training Platform
All NYAS volunteers are provided with a FLICK account, during recruitment and throughout the volunteer relationship with NYAS.
Our volunteers are given a volunteer learner journey to complete, this is to ensure we provide you with the necessary skills required for the volunteer role.
Our mission is to provide our volunteers arrange of training opportunities, that are simple to absorb, easy on the eye, and memorable.
Volunteero is the app you will use to manage your volunteering experience with NYAS.
The app allows you to track your activity, recall details of your young person, and submit reports following your visits. You can also submit expenses that have been incurred on a visit.
Below are links you may need to help you get set up with Volunteero.
Please read our quick and easy app how-to guide, this guide shows you how to use the Volunteero app and its features. These include updating your profile and how to submit a report in just seconds.
Here you will find a video demonstration of the Volunteero app.
Please view this video on how the app can be used.